With the hectic pace of modern life, taking time to care for your health has become more important than ever. All you need is a pair of sports shoes and a determined mindset, and you can improve your health through running. This activity not only boosts your physical health but also provides abundant energy. Let’s explore the wonderful benefits of running every day in the following article with FreezyDG.
The Benefits of Running for Health
1. Improving Cardiovascular Health
Running is one of the physical activities that benefits cardiovascular health. When you run, your heart rate increases to pump oxygen-rich blood from the lungs to the working muscles. This causes blood vessels to expand, allowing blood to circulate more easily, which reduces resistance and lowers blood pressure.
“Running not only improves cardiovascular health but also helps the heart function more efficiently, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.” – Dr. David P. Swain, exercise specialist at the University of Virginia.
Check the following content for accuracy and expression: According to a study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, runners have a 45% lower risk of heart disease compared to those who do not exercise. Regular running can help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL), thereby protecting cardiovascular health and preventing related diseases.
2. Building Muscle Strength
In addition to improving cardiovascular health, running also plays a significant role in building and strengthening muscle strength. According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, running helps enhance muscle strength and endurance while improving overall mobility. During exercise, major muscle groups such as the legs, abdomen, and back are activated.
Increasing muscle strength also supports other physical activities, helping the body become stronger and more energized throughout a long day.
3. Improving Endurance
Running is also an effective way to build endurance. Major muscle groups work continuously, helping to improve the body’s stamina. A study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine shows that regular runners are able to maintain physical activity for longer periods compared to those who are less active.
In addition, a study from the Journal of Growth and Development also shows that aerobic exercises like running not only improve athletic performance but also reduce fatigue. Thus, this activity helps enhance endurance while improving the quality of life.
4. Strengthening Bone Density
When running, the body has to bear the pressure from gravity, which stimulates the growth and regeneration of bone cells. This is due to the process of “bone growth,” where osteoblasts (bone-building cells) are stimulated to produce new bone tissue in response to the stress from physical activity. A study from the Journal of Sports Medicine also shows that marathon runners have 5-10% higher bone density compared to non-runners. Therefore, regular running can strengthen bone structure, making bones thicker and stronger over time. Additionally, running improves balance and flexibility, reducing the risk of falls.
5. Promoting Effective Weight Loss
Jogging is also considered one of the exercises that help lose weight. Because when running, the body consumes a lot of energy to supply the muscles. A study from the National Institutes of Health shows that a 70kg person can burn about 600-800 calories in an hour of jogging at an average speed. Moreover, this sport also helps strengthen muscles, thereby increasing the basal metabolic rate, helping to burn calories even when not active. Maintaining the habit of doing this exercise not only effectively reduces weight but also contributes to a healthy lifestyle.
6. Boost immune system
Research from the University of California shows that people who exercise regularly, including jogging, have a 30-50% lower rate of infections such as colds and flu than people who are sedentary. Because when running, the body produces hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, promoting blood circulation and helping immune cells circulate more easily. Thanks to that, this sport helps increase resistance, protecting the body from minor illnesses.
However, you should also note that overtraining can have the opposite effect, reducing the body’s resistance. Therefore, maintaining a reasonable level of training is very important.
7. Active recovery support
When participating in running activities, the body will increase blood circulation, helping to bring oxygen and nutrients to the muscles faster. Therefore, this sport will support the recovery process after heavy training and minimize muscle pain after training or sports competition. A typical example is that athletes often apply light jogging after completing heavy training sessions. They will run at a low intensity for about 20-30 minutes, helping to soothe the muscles, reduce lactic acid and increase recovery.
8. Improve mental health and sleep
Running is not only good for your physical health, but it also improves your mental health and sleep. During running, the body releases happy hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, which help reduce anxiety and depression. Research from the Journal of Psychology shows that people who exercise regularly, especially running, have fewer symptoms of depression and feel happier. Another study from Harvard University also showed that people who run for at least 30 minutes a day sleep better and fall asleep easier than those who are less active.

Jogging not only improves physical fitness but also brings a feeling of relaxation and happiness. Image: Unsplash.
In addition, jogging is also a great opportunity for meditation, which helps to improve creative ideas and relax the mind. Maintaining this habit not only improves physical health but also contributes to mental health and quality sleep.
Choose the ideal time for jogging
- Morning: This is a great time to start your day with energy and positivity. However, joints can be stiff after sleeping, so it is important to warm up beforehand to improve control when running.
- Noon: At this time, the body is in the best condition with abundant energy, making running easier. However, running right after lunch can cause fatigue because the body needs time to digest.
- Evening: Running in the evening helps relieve stress and relax, the weather is often cooler, creating a pleasant feeling. However, running too close to bedtime can cause difficulty sleeping due to increased heart rate and risk of injury in poor lighting conditions.
Running properly
To run effectively and safely, pay attention to technique and posture. Start with a light warm-up such as walking or stretching to get your body used to the activity. Keep your head straight, eyes looking forward, shoulders relaxed and arms at a 90-degree angle, moving naturally with the running rhythm.
When running, land on the midfoot or heel to reduce pressure on the joints, avoid landing on the toes. Breathe deeply and evenly, using both your nose and mouth to provide enough oxygen to the body. Finally, listen to your body, if you feel pain or discomfort, slow down or stop to rest.