When stress persists, cortisol levels increase continuously, reducing the ability of immune cells to repair themselves. Normally, cortisol has the function of regulating immune responses and reducing inflammation. But when this hormone level remains high for too long, it will cause the opposite effect, inhibiting the activity of white blood cells and weakening the body’s natural defenses. So what is cortisol and how can we control this hormone level to a stable level?
What is cortisol?
In medicine, cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys. Cortisol plays an important role in controlling stress and regulating many bodily functions, including stabilizing blood sugar and supporting the immune system. In emergency situations, the adrenal glands release large amounts of cortisol into the bloodstream, increasing heart rate and blood pressure. This is a natural response, helping the body quickly identify and respond to harmful risks, preparing for a “fight” against threats. In essence, cortisol is not a bad hormone, but when it is produced in excess over a long period of time, your body will begin to suffer many negative effects.
Image: Unsplash/Yasaman Abedini-
Signs of high cortisol
Cortisol tends to increase when the body is constantly in a state of stress, anxiety, restlessness or anger. If you feel your body is showing warning signs, you can check your cortisol levels through clinical tests such as urine, blood or saliva. However, thanks to the body’s ability to self-heal, you can regulate your cortisol levels to a stable level through healthy habits and without the need for medication.
When cortisol levels are high, you may notice some common signs such as insomnia, anxiety, memory loss and difficulty concentrating. The increase in cortisol not only affects your mood significantly but also disrupts many other physiological functions such as menstrual cycles and early menopause.
In addition, you may also notice the effects of cortisol on circulatory function. It can increase heart rate and blood pressure, thereby creating stress on the cardiovascular system. This not only causes unpleasant symptoms such as chest pain and heart palpitations, but also increases the risk of serious diseases in the future.
Effects of High Cortisol Over Long Periods
The effects and severity of high cortisol levels can vary from person to person. When cortisol levels exceed the allowable level, a person’s health can be seriously affected. The most noticeable consequence is weight gain and belly fat accumulation because cortisol stimulates appetite, especially for sweet and high-energy foods, causing a feeling of hunger even when you are full.
To remedy this situation, here are six helpful habits you can practice to restore hormone levels to normal.
Image: Unsplash/Anna Blake
1. Get enough sleep
According to a 2017 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about one-third of adults in the United States do not get the ideal amount of sleep each night, which can seriously affect their health and quality of life. In fact, sleep deprivation can cause many health problems and over time, the body will gradually lose its ability to control and regulate stress. In modern life, the habit of staying up late to complete work or entertainment has become a common condition, but it also significantly reduces the quality of sleep. As a result, you will have no energy and lead to poor work performance the next day.
To improve this condition, you should try to get enough sleep (7 to 9 hours per night), as this is an effective way to balance cortisol levels. This can be explained by the fact that when you are sleep deprived, your body will constantly face the pressure of working at full capacity, and the main response system – the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal (HPA) axis – will produce more cortisol, negatively affecting your health and quality of life. Therefore, getting enough sleep is the key to restoring the stability of this system.
2. Exercise regularly
Regular exercise is considered an effective way to reduce cortisol levels in the body. When you exercise, your body produces endorphins – hormones that create a feeling of happiness and comfort, helping to improve your mood in a healthy way. For example, you can maintain the habit of jogging every morning to start a new day energetically and feel excited all day. This can also help you sleep better and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.
In addition, physical activity also improves blood circulation, helps the body recover quickly after stressful periods and promotes the function of the immune system. If you choose to choose high-intensity exercises, limit them to 2-3 days per week and alternate with necessary rest periods to help the body stay healthy and avoid burnout.
3. Practice relaxation exercises
When you are too busy or not used to high-intensity exercise, you can try gentle relaxation exercises such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga… to adjust your breathing to a more relaxed rhythm, soothing the constant feeling of anxiety in your mind.
Image: Pexels/Elly Fairytale
To meditate, you only need to spend 8 to 10 minutes a day focusing on the present. When meditating, pay attention to your breathing because this will help you release negative thoughts, restore energy and increase awareness. For those who do not like physical activities, writing a diary can be an ideal choice. Through writing, you will release the emotions that are weighing on your mind and have the opportunity to understand yourself better. Or you can listen to meditation music and natural sounds such as running water or wind to relax your mind, focus on reality and raise your vibrational frequency.
4. Learn about the causes of stress
To control and reduce stress, the first thing you need to do is listen to yourself to identify the causes that make you fall into this state. From there, you can find effective solutions to overcome and heal your heart. Give yourself time to reflect and list the factors that are making you feel insecure and gradually overcome those obstacles.
Image: Pexels/Olia Danilevich
We all know that feeling stressed and anxious is an inevitable part of life. However, we should not normalize this state or consider it an inevitable part of life. It is time for you to find an effective treatment method. You can start by writing down your day, including the pressures and thoughts that are weighing on your heart, then set small goals to gradually solve those problems. The important thing to remember is to proactively manage your emotions. If you feel this journey is extremely thorny, you can seek support from close or trusted people such as family, friends and even a psychologist. You always deserve good things, so don’t keep everything to yourself!
5. Find activities that make you happy
Finding activities that make you happy is an important process that can improve your mood and give you something to look forward to and hope for in your daily life. These activities can range from reading and cooking to physical activities like running or yoga. For example, someone who enjoys cooking might feel happy when they successfully create a new recipe.
According to a study at Oregon State University during the COVID-19 pandemic, participating in favorite leisure activities can significantly reduce the risk of depression and improve mental health. So don’t hesitate to open your heart and spend time exploring and doing the things you love!
6. Nurturing healthy relationships
Positive social experiences like feeling deeply connected with loved ones or friends will help your body stimulate the production of the hormone oxytocin – a positive hormone that helps reduce cortisol levels and increase positive feelings of happiness.
A Harvard study found that a lack of quality social relationships can increase the risk of early death by up to 50% – an effect comparable to smoking or obesity. Conversely, people who maintain positive relationships tend to have better moods, fewer health problems, and longer lifespans. Therefore, maintaining positive connections is considered the key to keeping cortisol levels low and improving quality of life and becoming happier.